Canon professional camera

#1 Photographer In Matunga

📸 Your Neighborhood Photographer in Matunga, Mumbai 📸

Are you ready to turn fleeting moments into cherished memories? Discover our exceptional photography services in Matunga. Whether it’s wedding, pre-wedding, fashion, family, newborn, maternity, candid, food, product, jewelry, event, interior, or corporate photography, we’ve got you covered. Let us frame your memories with perfection.

Why Matunga Residents Choose Shoot Express Photography

Our passion is to capture your precious moments with creativity and precision. With over a decade of experience, we specialize in a wide range of photography categories, including Wedding, Fashion, Family, and more. Let’s make memories together!

Our Matunga photographer team is dedicated to capturing the moments that matter most to you, and we offer a wide range of photography services to cater to your specific needs.

We specialize in capturing the essence of life’s most precious moments, right here in your neighborhood.

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Our Photography Services in Matunga

Wedding Photography

Know more about our wedding photography & videography service.

Maternity Photography

Know more about our maternity photography & videography service.

Candid Photography

Know more about our candid photography & videography service.

Family Photography

Know more about our family photography & videography service.

Food Photography

Know more about our food photography & videography service.

Product Photography

Know more about our product photography & videography service.

Interior Photoshoot

Know more about our interior photography & videography service.

Fashion Photography

Know more about our fashion photography & videography service.

Event Photography

Know more about our event photography & videography service.

Why Choose Us

One-stop solution

We are the one-stop solution for all kinds of photography and videography services. We also have an indoor shoot facility.


Our photographers are highly experienced and have expertise in the photography and videography field.

Affordable rates

Along with quality, price is the second most important factor considered. Hence, we have pricing that is both affordable and competitive.

24*7 customer support

We aim to provide 100% satisfaction to all our customers. We provide calls and chat support 24 hours long.

After-Shoot Service

We believe in building a lifelong relationship with all our customers. Hence we provide after-shoot services like helping in your photo selection, helping with the album, resolving queries regarding the video edit, photo edit, etc.

High-End Equipment

Technology is the backbone of today’s world. Hence to cater this, we possess all high-end equipment like the latest cameras, gimbals, lights, and even backdrops.





7+ Years



Hyper- Local Team Expertise

Our Photography Portfolio

Before you choose us, we want you to see why we are the best for you.

Our Videography Portfolio

What Matunga Locals Are Saying

Discover what people in Matunga think about our photography service.


As Seen On

Discover Where We’ve Made Headlines!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few common frequently asked questions regarding our Matunga photography service.

Locations We Serve

Whether you're in South Mumbai, the suburbs, or any corner of this bustling city, our lens is ready to frame your moments with perfection.

Mira Road
Nalla Sopara
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